Minister Anas Engages ID-Singapore Diaspora in Digital Governance Dialogue
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS- Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas recently engaged in a dialogue with the Indonesian Diaspora (ID)in Singapore, focusing on Indonesia’s new era of digital transformation through the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).
“I received numerous insights from these talented individuals who will contribute significantly to areas such as GovTech development, cybersecurity, and fintech,” Anas stated in Jakarta on Thursday.
The discussion included nine representatives of Indonesia’s digital talent in Singapore: Data, AI, and Civic Tech Expert Ainun Najib; Senior Engineering Manager at GovTech Singapore Kevin Tanadi; Enterprise Account Director at Gartner Felix Fernando; Technical Partner Manager at Meta Johandy Tantra; Software Engineer at GovTech Singapore Reynaldo Henry; Principal Specialist Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services Singapore Agus Komang; Data Analyst at Meta Fika Fawzia; and Development Manager at Standard Chartered Bank Khairul Anshar.
Anas emphasized the critical role of digital talent in supporting the country’s digital transformation initiatives. To accelerate the implementation of SPBE, President Joko Widodo has inaugurated GovTech, known as INA DIGITAL, aimed at enhancing the interoperability and acceleration of various data and systems within Indonesia.
“The President has highlighted that technology should facilitate public services, and he hopes that INA Digital will lead the way in managing various government service applications,” Anas added.
Ainun Najib, a Data, AI, and Civic Tech Expert, encouraged the Indonesian diaspora worldwide to contribute to the nation’s progress.
“I am thrilled that the Indonesian diaspora could meet with Minister Anas. This should be a starting point for us to contribute as much as we can to our beloved country,” said Ainun.
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